Research Guides
After your research is published, the next step is determining how to promote your research results and recommendations to facilitate peer exchange while ensuring the translation of scientific language into popular language that everyone can understand. This section introduces the use of researcher identity, academic community management, institutional repository, and Research NCKU! to increase visibility.
In addition, the New Medical Knowledge and Further Reading Materials published twice every month by the medical library New Medical Knowledge and Further Reading Materials is precisely how we promote science by using the medical news that we collect and at the same time provide the source of news on single studies. In doing so, readers interested in furthering their understanding are provided with a means to review and evaluate literature with the rigorousness of evidence-based practices. The medical library also pays particular attention to news on NCKU's medical research and includes them in its press release.
Researcher Identity
Researcher Identity is aimed at establishing and gathering researchers' academic experience and a list of their works, to save the time of importing resumes and works repeatedly in different places, and to promote the visibility of their research results. Generally, a researcher is associated with a unique identifier to avoid confusions with their names (e.g., persons with same name and surname).
This section introduces four Researcher Identity service platforms: ORCID, Publons, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Researchers can apply to establish their profile on ORCID, Publons, Google Scholar. Scopus automatically generates a researcher's profile.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is an open non-profit organization. Researchers register online to apply for a unique identifier (16-digit ID), which helps them to compile a complete list of their research activities (including articles, patents, and performances). A number of journal publishers have incorporated ORCID account as one of their login methods or a required or optional field in the submission process. In Web of Science and Scopus, you can enter an ORCID ID to search for works quickly and collect complete lists, and to correctly calculate the number of times a work is cited.
Application Method
NCKU (including hospital) staff: Register on NCKU ORCID Login System or enter your existing ORCID ID to authorize including your account into NCKU's list (NCKU is an institutional member of ORCID).
NCKU students: Go to ORCID website to register.
Publons is a research identity service provided byClarivatewhich also owns Web of Science (SCI & SSCI). ResearchID is an identifier unique to a researcher. In addition to providing resumes and lists of publications, Publons also keeps a record of your peer reviews, highlighting reviewers' academic contribution.
Elsevier's comprehensive citation index and academic indicator database Scopus automatically establishes a researcher's profile. If you find errors in your profile, you can request online to merge your account or add/delete a paper.
Google Scholar is a widely used academic search engine that indexes the widest range of journal articles. However, Google Scholar puts high weight on citation counts. Citation indicators it currently provides include the number of citations and web links to articles, H index, i10 index, etc.
Academic Community Management
An academic community platform provides functions like Facebook, but it targets academic researchers only, providing a space for peer communication and discussion. Generally, it also provides functions for creating resumes and publication lists.
By participating in and managing academic communities, you can promote your research results, find research partners, and stay up to date with the latest research issues.
As advertised on the website (find and share research) ResearchGate is a research sharing platform that allows you to search for journal articles (this function supports the Boolean logic, AND/OR), join fan pages and setup your personal page, etc. Take a look at NCKU's ResearchGate page.
A social networking website for posting jobs and job seekers. Although LinkedIn is not exclusive to academic communities, joining LinkedIn can facilitate academic exchange and promotion. Take a look at NCKU's LinkedIn page。
Institutional Repository/Research NCKU!
Institutional Repository preserves and supplies the works of an institution. Research NCKU! presents the research results of authors/organizations.
NCKU Institutional Repository
Institutional repository is an archive for collecting and preserving full-text digital copies of the intellectual output of personnel from an institution. It provides a platform for inquiries and use. The types of information collected include journal articles, submitted manuscripts, academic dissertations and theses, patents, lecture materials, and course materials. For researchers, the advantages of authorizing an institutional repository include preserving digital materials, promoting research visibility, and increasing the chance of being cited.
NCKU's system is provided to colleges/departments/units for browsing purpose or used to search for institutional works. You can also filter your results to find full-text articles. A value-added function is shown on the left of each item page displaying the number of citations in and web links to Web of Science and information on PulmX Metrics (number of citations, number of times a full-text article or abstract is used, number of captures, and number of mentions on social media).
Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository (TAIR)
TAIR is a platform integrating the collections of over 130 academic institutions in Taiwan, provided to search for or browse various major institutional repositories. This platform can be used to search for publishers and journal policies to ensure that researchers are given a basis when authorizing the posting of their journal articles in an institutional repository. You can also try out the query term function in the Trend page to understand various institutions in terms of specific keywords.
Research NCKU!
Research NCKU! is an archive for collecting and organizing the theses/dissertations, research projects, and patents (in US, Japan, and Europe) of NCKU's staff, researchers, and departments, as well as instruments and equipment available at NCKU. This platform provides multidisciplinary collaborations, increases the depth and breadth of academic research, integrates industrial applications, and establishes infinite possibilities for international cooperation.