Help & Support

Computer Room Booking

1. The application of reservation should be done one week prior to using date.

2. The existing reservation can be checked online. You can click the time period and complete the application form only when it appears “available”. For the reservation of the course lasting for whole semester, course number and subject serial number are required. The application will be processed first come first served.

3. Print out the form with the official stamp.

The correction and completeness should be checked before making the print-outs. After clicking confirm it cannot be undo. Please contact ext. 5120 for cancellation and correction. The reservation could be reapplied after processed by librarians.

If the application form is not printed but the webpage closed by accident. Inquire the form in “pending approval” and click the course/activity name can reopen the reservation form for printing.

4. Submit the signature application form to the service counter of medical library.

After online reservation, the application form should be submitted within three business days; otherwise, the reservation is subject to cancellation.

Once the registration is approved, the result will be sent by email. Contact ext. 5120 if you didn't receive e-mail two days after application.

5. For the reservation within one week, please download this application form. Complete the form and submit it to the service counter in person.