Reference Management Software

EndNote | Mendeley | Zotero

EndNote (Download)

This reference management software developed by Clarivate can be used to export articles, download full-text articles automatically, etc. It facilitates the insertion of citations and conversion of reference formats when writing a paper. It can also create groups for classification.

Basic operation (X9): Quick reference guide|Complete course materials|Online courses

Basic operation (20): Quick reference guide|Complete course materials|Online courses

Referencing format: EndNote supports over 7,000 bibliographic styles. If you cannot find the desired journal style, you can:

(1) Apply for a customization service: Send the journal's name and website to Kun-Yen Library's email. This service takes 1-3 working days to process.

(2) Make your own or edit a format

Mendeley (Download)

Elsevier's free document management software offers 2GB personal storage for personal documents. It manages reference materials on a modularized platform and features social interaction functions.

Zotero (Download)

An open source free document management software that works closely with browsers, thanks to master programmers who contribute all types of free plug-in functions for anyone to use.

Citation Styles

APA Style

APA (American Psychological Association) Style consists of rules or guidelines to regulate writing formats of text citations, reference lists, and charts. APA 7th edition was published in October 2019 (Paper collection).

AMA Manual of Style

AMA Manual of Style is created by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The latest edition is the 11th edition.

ICMJE Recommendations

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations contain recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals. ICMJE Recommendations were originally called Uniform Requirements. See Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles on the National Library of Medicine website.

Search for Journal Abbreviations

MEDLINE Journal List

When submitting a medical journal, it is necessary to display full or abbreviated journal names in accordance with publisher regulations. Most medical journals require journal names to follow the abbreviated names of journals indexed in MEDLINE. You can check the National Library of Medicine website NLM Catalog for information on full and abbreviated names of journals to display a journal name in the required format (e.g., APA Style).

Document Originality Comparison


Through text comparison, the uploaded files are checked against various resources such as online resources, journal articles and students' original manuscripts to maintain the originality of documents.